General Shipping Information:Free shipping and handling for all orders over $60.00 shipped within the contiguous United States. Contact C/S for more details.Orders up to $59.99 will be charged a flat rate of $7.95. All orders will be shipped UPS ground or best way as determined by T3LShop unless you indicate otherwise. Free and $7.95 flat rate shipping applies to UPS ground or best way shipments only. Shipping time: 1-4 days for United States Mainland. Canadian Customers: Please contact Tarifold Customer Service for assistance with placing your order: | 800-594-9170 Thank you. ![]() Backorder Policy We make every effort to ensure that we always have the products you need, when you need them. However, occasionally, an item may be out of stock. If this is the case, be assured that every reasonable effort will be made to quickly fill your order. If an item you requested is out of stock, we will automatically backorder it, and notify you via telephone or e-mail. At that time, you may advise us if you would like to have that item shipped to you when it is in stock, or you may request that we cancel your order. We will immediately ship all items that are in-stock at the time we receive your order and ship any backordered items as soon as they are available. ou will not be charged any additional shipping and handling charges on backordered items. Shipping to Alaska and Hawaii: Please call for shipping charges: 800-594-9170 |